If one facet of your business was consuming 10% of your organization’s gross revenue and was growing at a rate of 11% each year, wouldn’t you want to make certain that your organization was managing that expense? Of course you would! Well, that’s exactly what documents and document-related processes could be costing your business today. But don’t take my word for it. Some very impressive names in the document management industry (all of which happen to be much smarter than I am) support this statement:
· "IDC end-user research has confirmed that companies spend approximately 10% of their revenue on document production, management and distribution."
– The Expanding Role of Document Accounting Systems, IDC 2001
– The Expanding Role of Document Accounting Systems, IDC 2001
· "6 to 10% of annual corporate revenue is spent on document-related activities.”
– Xplor International
– Xplor International
· Printer volumes are increasing by 9% in B&W, and 19% in color (11% overall) annually
– Information Week
– Information Week
· “Budgets for supplies are growing by 20 percent to 40 percent per year due to increased graphics printing (e.g., Microsoft® PowerPoint and web pages), the costs of consumables required by color printers, and because most printers are now color-capable.”
– Gartner
– Gartner
Furthermore, the ongoing drain on IT staff to maintain an organization’s printer fleet is only compounding the profit loss that is common in most businesses today. Eliminating the distractions of printer maintenance, repair, and printer help desk support allows a company’s costly IT resources to focus on more critical and strategic IT projects. Here are some facts of which even your IT staff may be unaware:
· Printers, supplies, and support make up 10 to 20 percent of a typical IT budget
– Gartner Group
· 50-60% of IT help desk calls are printer related
– Information Week
– Gartner Group
· 50-60% of IT help desk calls are printer related
– Information Week
Now that we've discussed the challenges that exist in most businesses today regarding the lack of a print management strategy, you may be thinking, “But where do I begin?” It’s very likely that you’ve never heard the phrase “print management strategy”, much less considered adopting one to increase productivity and recover lost profits. It’s okay. You’re not alone. Most organizations admit a strategic approach would make more sense, but have no idea where to start.
As you may have guessed, I’m incredibly passionate about bringing this “profit leakage” to light for my clients. I'm helping them manage their print environments and it just so happens that my team is very good at it. With a 30 minute meeting, we can outline your corporate goals and initiatives, I’ll explain the process I’m using to reduce printing costs for organizations just like yours, and we’ll take the first step toward controlling costs and recovering your organization’s lost profits. (SPOILER ALERT: It all starts by identifying your current costs, and I’ll work with you to do just that. We can’t manage what we can’t measure, so we’ll start there.)
Let’s schedule that meeting…
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